Sunday, 4 October 2009

Prize time...

I saw my first conker of the year on the ground this week. Autumn is setting in again, with a wonderful deep heat and low light. This signals that I have passed one year of having a blog. That must mean I have a bloggiversary. Does that mean I am a 'real' blogger? Who knows...

I feel that now that I might be edging towards being a person-with-a(n occasional)-blog it is time for a competition. Yesterday I went to see Julie & Julia. It had mixed reviews but I don't really care about them as it provided escapism, diversion and self-indulgence, and lots of pictures of food. It also included some knitting.

So, the competition:

Where is the knitting in Julie & Julia?

All correct answers will receive a prize.

Email me or leave a comment here. Not all prizes will be knitting related, just in case there are non-knitting people out there.


Anonymous said...

Ack! I haven't seen the movie yet! If I can pay to go with coins from my change jar, perhaps I can sneak off tomorrow!

Skein Queen said...

Haven't seen it yet either - but if there's knitting in it... I'm going!

Edgar said...

I give up I am not going to win the prize, short of going to see the movie (something I am not prepared to do) there appears to be no way to find the answer. I have googled this extensively and whilst there is much talk amongst knitters of the film I can't pin it down. What's the answer?

GreenPea said...

Aha... as if I'd do a competition that could be solved via googling... you may have to compromise your artistic principles on this one if you want the prize...

Anonymous said...

Okay, I've just seen it, and I can't think of where the knitting was, unless it was on the train in Julia's lifetime or on the subway in Julie's... that would be appropo since you are a train knitter! ;)

GreenPea said...

No, not on a train, although as you say that would be apt for me and my needles. I may also be giving prizes for effort!

Edgar said...

and the winner, for effort, is?

GreenPea said...

no winner as yet... more effort required - or see additional competition question coming soon...