There comes a moment in conversations when I 'confess' to my big secret.
In the last few days I have found myself revealing to two separate people that I knit.
Conversation 1:
Man 1: 'You knit?....' [man physically recoils in his seat, and scrunches up his face]...'Do you have cats?'
Me: 'No... why?'
Man 1: 'Well, it goes with the image, doesn't it?'
[if it's possible for anyone to recoil right out of the room, at this point he would have done.]
Conversation 2:
Man 2: 'That ball of wool... do you knit, or is it a plaything for a mischievous cat?'
Me: 'It's mine... I like knitting.'
Man 2: 'Really? ... Mm. I can imagine you reclining on a chaise longue, with wool running through your toes...'
Now that's more like it.